Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Mälmo Opera Orchestra: Antonio Neilley-Menéndez de Llano
Tubist Antonio Neilley-Menéndez de Llano has passed his one-year trial with the Mälmo Opera Orchestra in Sweden. Born in Sydney, Australia of Australian and Spanish heritage, de Llano completed a Bachelor of Music Performance at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, where he studied with the Sydney Symphony's Steve Rossé. He continued his training in Switzerland, where he pursued a Masters in Music Performance (Orchestral and Jazz) with Anne Jelle Visser of the Zürcher Oper. Previous accolades include being a finalist at the 2010 Jeju (South Korea) Brass Competition and winning the Principal Tuba position with the Australian Youth Orchestra from 2005 to 2007. De Llano has played with many of Australia and New Zealand's symphony and opera orchestras and for the last two years has been a regular substitute in Switzerland with the Zurich Opera and the St. Gallen Symphony Orchestra.
His surname is "Neilley-Menendez de Llano"., not "de Llano". If an abbreviation is needed "Neilley-M de Llano" can be used. Thank you.